Brain dead

Well, I said at the outset that this would be an occasional rant. It’s not that I haven’t got anything to rant about, quite the contrary. It’s just that sometimes doing this job leaves you brain dead. Normal service will … oh what the fuck, this is my blog and I’ll post to it whenever the hell I like.

7 Responses to Brain dead

  1. Ruthie says:

    Yeah, but if you only post once every six weeks, people get bored and stop reading. Unfortunately maintaining a blog can be quite time consuming.

  2. Solicitor says:

    Thank you, Ruthie. I am most grateful for that advice, especially from such an experienced blogger as yourself. Of course, whether I care how many people read this rubbish is another matter…

  3. Welcome back Termin

    Thought we’d lost you for good back there.

    Whilst you were gone I’ve had your baby.

  4. Her name is “Cheerful bunny”, bringing enthusiasm and light to all blogs in the district.

  5. Ruthie says:

    If you didn’t care, you would be writing you thoughts in an exercise book kept in a secret drawer in your desk for your own private amusement. Liadnan did say once that all blogs/chatrooms are just a facility for trying to get laid. I’m not sure thats true (or that they are any more a facility than just going down the pub). But I think it is true that all bloggers care desperately how many people read their comments and what they think – otherwise why bother to go public?

  6. Ruthie says:

    But if you want some advice lose the moderation requirement. Have faith. The world is really not full of nutters – or at least not ones that can be bothered to make the effort to comment.

  7. Solicitor says:

    Actually, no I don’t want any more advice.

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